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Friday 25 October 2019

Most female musicians are '2 minute'. They don't last.

The Ghanaian music industry can only boast of few women and even with that, only about 1% or less of the number can boastfully and boldly say they are relevant in terms of making major hits and being on major musical stages in the country.

After a careful analysis,  the following are some of the reasons why most female musicians do not stand the test of time.

The first one has to do with managing female musicians in the country.
By far, the most popular artiste management in the country, Bull Haus entertainment,  had once mentioned that for female musicians to have successful careers, they must be in  romantic relationships with their managers which in most cases are men. Due to this reason,  most female talents often slow down or loose their shine after a breakup with their 'romantic managers'.

To add to the above, the Ghanaian culture do not allow female musicians to shine let alone stay long in the music industry unless they have a tough skin. Most female musicians are most likely to go down along the way because their 'romantic partners' do not allow them to express themselves or they would have to put their career on hold for family reasons. The sad part of this is that most of them do not catch up again when they decide to bounce back.

Last but not the least,  some female musicians are mostly known for the way they 'show skin' or expose themselves to the world rather than focusing on the music they seek to do or promote. Due to this, Ghanaians become easily feed up with them and their shine die off quickly as if they never existed.

Due to the above, I conclude that, most female musicians are '2 minute', they don't last.


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