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Monday 4 November 2019

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Pastors and death prophecies: The case study of Ebony and now Kwami Eugene.

It has become a common phenomenon in the country for pastors to call themselves Prophets and as such try to put one or two prophecies across.

In as much as the church has become the number one cash drilling equipment for anyone willing to enter into a lucrative business,  so has the emergence of prophets every second  become as rampant than formerly.

One question one will ask is why have pastors now gone into prophesying the death of celebrities?

The answer to the above is obvious. When a pastor talks about a celebrity in Ghana, attention is drawn to the church, which leads to a hype of the said church. When happens, the church then receives free advertisement from these media houses due to the discussion of such prophecies. This will eventually lead to an increase in membership overtime and of course an increase in revenue.
You don't need to understand or read rocket science to know that this is pure business for them.

Another question one will ask is why do these prophets talk only about death? Again,the answer is as easy as 'abc' if your common sense is at work. Ghanaians fear death so much that,they forget it's a necessary end to every living thing. Since death is a necessary end,I dare say,if you allow someone to trick you into believing that you are going to die the next moment or day, as a prophecy, then there must be a problem since that line of prophecy is a blatant lie. This is due to the fact that death is inevitable and anyone irrespective of who they are will surly die and at any time which  is why you need no prophet to tell you that.

Finally, Ghanaians should ask themselves, why don't these prophets use upcoming musicians in their prophecies? Your guess is as good as mine. These prophets are not really interested in prophesying but becoming famous and drawing members to their churches. So why use unknown people?-- One will ask They will never do it.

I will conclude by saying that if some of these prophets are made to face the celebrities they falsely talk about in court,  some of these things will be a thing of the past.

The country is overly religious and the 'wise ones' are taking advantage of it.


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